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Thursday, Apr. 15, 2004 - 10:36 a.m.

This is the last entry of Sherocious.

I started this journal a few years ago when my life needed.....something. A place to write, to vent, to crack myself up, to keep friends and family updated on my daily goings on, and to be totally honest, to fill my time. I was single, living alone in a funky apartment of a 1912 mansion, dating. Then my sweetie and I reunited, planned a wedding, got hitched, got pregnant, and this became a vehicle for me to bitch about pregnancy pains and brag about impending motherhood.

Well, motherhood is here, and I no longer need to look hard to find things to fill my time. Because I don't have any.

His name is Ethan, and he is the most precious thing. He makes my heart burst every single day with happiness. I'm also getting some definition in my biceps, and my shirt will always have spit up on it.

My boobs have never looked better. Oh - and did I mention I've lost 35 lbs? That is 35 lbs below pre pregnancy weight.

But, its no longer about me. Its about Ethan, and its about being his mom.

When I started this journal, I had dreams of being married to a man who loved me as much as I could love him; to have a home I was proud of, and of course to have a child. 2003/2004 have brought all of these things to me. I'm not the girl who started this journal, thus I feel I should close the door on sherocious.

I wanted to let my readers know that I'm fine, baby and husband are wonderful, and that life is full, warm and sparkly. Motherhood is hard - but more rewarding than I could have dreamed. T and I are going to be celebrating our 1 year anniversary in 2 weeks, and marriage continues to be truly blissful. Truly.

I'm so lucky, and even more appreciative of all I have. Chalk this up to the suckiest entry ever - but perhaps motherhood does this to a girl? If I can get weepy at my baby's toothless grin, or fall in love with his soft naked bum then I can get sappy over my life. Things have just fallen into place.

One day I may start another journal on motherhood and all of its adventures. I certainly have enough material to write about. But not enough time - these days, anyway. Life is full - overflowing, and I'm so busy now lapping it up.

Thank you for reading.


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